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W2 Discussion Personal Project Code of Ethic

W2 Discussion Personal Project Code of Ethic

Q Project Management Personal Project Code of Ethics We looked at the PMI® Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct in chapter three (and can be reviewed here) this week as well as the variety of tasks project managers must face. In your initial post… Define your personal project code of ethics and how you will use this code to help guide you as a project manager. What are the key aspects of the PMI® Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct that you will work towards? Follow up posts… After your initial post, read over the items posted by your peers. Select two different posts, and address the following in your responses: How might their ethics be compromised and what can they do to help ensure they stay true to these beliefs. To access MSSB discussion forum guidelines and grading rubric, click this link.

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My personal project code of ethics is to ensure that I grow in confidence by making others in my team grow together. In other words, I want to ensure that all the project team members of my team will always try to learn about every aspect of project management completely/thoroughly in a fair/ethical manner. This is because if learning is incomplete, my project team members can try to take shortcuts to taste success in project management. My personal project code of ethics will ensure that I treat all my project team members in a fair/unbiased manner in every situation.